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Posting Information
Business Type: Sell Product
Target Client: Vinayak Construction Equipments
Heading: Concrete Batching Plant Manufacturers & Exporters from India
Description: Manufacturers of Concrete Batching Plant - Mobile Concrete Batching / Mixing Plant, Ready Mix Concrete / RMC Plant offered by Vinayak Equipments, India. Threadlocking products prevent self-loosening and secure any threaded fastener against vibration and shock loads.
Quantity: 100%
Unit Price: 50,00,000

Contact Details
Company Name: Vinayak Construction Equipments
Contact Person: Viral Jolapara
Job Title: Concrete Batching Plant Manufacturers & Exporters from India
Address: Plot No. 8-9, Surajba Industrial Park Dhamatvan - Undrel Road, Ahmedabad-382435, Gujarat India.
Postal Code: 382435
Country/Territory: India
Tel No: +91 9879430770
Nature of Business: concrete batching plant

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